Sunday, June 29, 2014

Tarragon and corn are a match made in heaven

Gah, I haven't even had this blog for a month and already I'm slipping. Whoops. Things are still going mostly well. I harvested my first couple of jalepenos, and about 10 grape tomatoes, but my artichoke plant, I'm pretty sure, is totally, just, dead. It's so depressing, and I keep procrastinating when it comes to just tossing the damn thing. So, that's that, in a nutshell. I also have some jacked up mold stuff on my tomatoes, but they seem to be otherwise healthy. I'll try to get some more pictures up soon.

However, the point of this post is that I finally hacked into my tarragon plant, and I'm going to make corn on the cob a la Oh my God, this is the only way to make it. The first time I did it, I used thyme along with the tarragon, and it was still pretty good. But after trying it pure, I'm never going back. There is something magic about tarragon and corn together, and of course, with butter to tie it altogether.

So, there's my public service announcement on this lazy Sunday. Steep tarragon in butter, grill your corn, be happy. That's all!

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