Saturday, June 7, 2014

Meet the family.

Since Blogger's mobile app really, totally sucks, and the 300 word post I wrote didn't go to the draft box on my computer (what the hell, it's completely inconsistent, my other failed blog post did!!!), I'm being forced to retype this BY HAND. Did we lose a war or something?

Anyway, here's what I meant to post on Thursday. I think it's important to take an inventory of what I have and what I'll be obsessing about for the next three months.

So, if I'm going to do nothing here but talk about plants, I'd better start talking about plants, right? I can't think of a better time to list everything on my deck! Let's do this!

On my deck, I have:

Grape tomatoes (established)
Roma tomatoes (still seedlings, because I germinated them in April...whoops)
Regular tomatoes? Not sure which kind, grew them out of those nifty Miracle Gro Plant Pods and can't remember which one it was. So either globe or cherry tomatoes, because that's all they got
Purple bell peppers (in theory, let's see if I can keep the birds off before I get too excited)
Brussels sprouts, three plants (which, they're already huge)
Artichokes (once again, in theory--I heard there are both annual and perennial varieties. The annuals--I think--produce the first year, but the perennials don't. Once again, not sure which one I have, I need to pay closer attention)
Some sad lily whose head I broke off when I first got it, sorry lily

And every herb ever:

Sweet mint
Flat leaf parsley
And my crown jewel and white whale, which is finally kind of growing...Tarragon!!!

Mostly everything is growing really well. We have a huge deck that gets a lot of afternoon sun, so that helps, but it also means no lazy Sara. 100 degrees outside, hungover, just don't feel like it, too bad. Strap on those flip flops and turn on the hose, ho. Remember potting all those things? It sucked, right? Go garden, slothy!

So, the plants I'm most concerned about are my tarragon, rosemary, and tomatoes. Tomatoes make me a basket case because the leaves will start to turn brown at the bottom, and I'm too chicken to see if that's normal. And even if it's not, what can I do? Rosemary almost needs less attention than I give it, but I can't stop loving you! And the tarragon, I had to order from Amazon as I was too lazy to go to a nursery in the city to get it. The fact that I'm concerned that it hasn't tripled in size in the two weeks since I acquired it is a legitimate and totally rational concern, right??

I totally can't wait to get my hands on those brussels sprouts. Those things are magical little plants.

And that's it! A complete inventory of plants and a shocking indictment against my sanity.

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