Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Welcome to my Garden! Grab a beer and get to work.

Imagine my shock when I downloaded the Blogger app, and EIGHT discarded blogs stared me in the face. Like my neglected blogs, I have no shortage of hobbies, thrown by the wayside and summarily forgotten.

I start everything, but I lack follow through. Thousands of dollars in beading supplies are in a bin under our coffee table. I have a nice sewing machine that I've used three times, and then hid out of shame when I screwed up the bobbin. Knitting needles, embroidery floss, enamel paint, hell, even a very nice electric piano, all victims of abandonment at the hands of my frustration and caprice.

Except when it comes to my little container garden. I am obsessed. Perhaps it's my (failed) Mormon upbringing; I'm always looking for ways to be marketable in the apocalypse. And while prostitution sounds fun, it also sounds very unhygienic in a futuristic hellscape with no running water.

So, gardening it is! Instead of clogging up my friends' Facebook feeds with more f'ing plant pictures, I'll just post stuff here until I'm bored with the blog. Welcome to my little garden of iniquity! Don't get too attached.

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