Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Surefire winner

I always feel guilty having a good day when somebody I know is in the shit. One of my very closest friends is going through something totally awful, unfathomable, even. It is with that in mind that I attempt to temper the fact that I'm in a better mood than I have been in recent memory.

It comes down to the fact that I am a simple woman with simple needs. For me to be in a good mood, I need:

1. For my hair to look OK to good
2. Sunshine
3. To feel competent at work
4. An insane amount of caffeine

If two out of those four come together, I'm usually going to be alright. Today, for the first time in what feels like ages, it's sunny in St. Louis; a colleague made the crazy coffee, which was completely opaque and totally tasted like liquorice (which is somehow OK when it's actually coffee); hair didn't look like I belonged on the mental ward; and yes, I didn't feel like an idiot at any point of the work day, which has never happened.

Bearing that in mind, my heart and head are still with my buddy. You know who you are, and I love you.

OK, enough about me, let's talk plants.

The repotted tomatoes aren't doing awesome, but the bigger one (Siamese twins) had its first tomatoes pop over the weekend. I'm good with that.

I call him Buckwheat. I need to find more things to do with Thyme. Which is, like, anything, so I guess I just need to start cooking at home more.

Dill is still going nuts. I plan on culling it quite a bit this weekend--making tzatziki and straight up dill dip to go with a rye round.

My serranos are doing alright, too. These are the ones I grew from seeds. They'll probably give fruit around Christmas, but whatever.

I've finally gotten less precious about my parsley, realizing that it will continue to grow as long as I continue to water it.

And look! My first jalepeno!!!!!! Eeeeeee!!!! Habaneros and bells, get to work!

I do believe that, in the 15 minutes it took for me to finish this post, that I have angered my troubled friend in my seriously misguided attempts to help with "humor". I love you, friend going through the shit, even if I'm a jackass and my jokes aren't as funny as I think they are.

Hope everybody else is doing alright. Sara, out.

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