Saturday, June 7, 2014

Early harvest: things to do with dill

Since it's a rainy Saturday (in June! Boo!) and I don't feel like showering and getting ready now, only to get wet when grilling in a couple hours, I have nothing to do but clean my house paint my nails watch TV update my nascent site that I hope not to abandon in two weeks, I mean it!

My breakfast this morning ruled. I'm not usually a breakfast person because I sleep until the last possible second during the week, and the morning is a mad dash to get to work on time. However, I gave blood yesterday (no, I will not stop talking about it) and the lady said to not skip meals. However, she also said that I should be fine to drink alcohol after 4 hours (at 10:00 a.m.??), and since I almost passed out last night after one Guinness, maybe I should take her recommendations with a grain of salt?

Anyway, I decided to hook myself up with an omelette with tomato, parmesan cheese, parsley, and dill.

For the uninitiated (which is me), dill can be kind of daunting. This year, my dill is going crazy, and I keep trying to find stuff to do with it. I mean, it's good on Care to help me out here?

Here we go! Neat!

I am going to try this summer to always keep tzatziki sauce in my house, because it's awesome. Found my amazing recipe here. This uses a lot of dill, and mint and parsley, which I also have in the garden. Also, did you know that dill is in ranch dressing? I did not.

I think that dill really, really sings with eggs. I've started to use it in my deviled eggs, and this morning in my awesome omelette.

So, here's Sara's Blood-Loss Breakfast:

2 eggs
A little milk
Salt or salt-like seasoning to taste (We use Chef's Secret and have for years, it rules)
A little butter for the pan
A small tomato, diced
Some parmesan cheese
Some fresh mozzarella, because why not?
Lots of cracked black pepper
Lots of parsley
Lots of dill
Toast and black coffee, on the side

Start by cooking the chopped up tomato in butter. I should have cooked it longer, but I didn't. It was still fine. It's butter and tomatoes, come on.

Add the eggs and cook for a minute, add the mozzarella and cook until melted. Another thing I would have done differently was to omit the milk since fresh mozzarella is so melty anyway. Cook until the eggs are to your liking. I like mine super dry and overcooked. I know this is wrong, and I don't care.

When it's done, dump it on a plate, and cover the eggs in the herbs and sriracha. Add the toast to the plate in a manner that looks unnervingly like a face. Shovel into your mouth because nobody is watching anyway, who cares if you eat the eggs with your hands, you pig.

So, that's that. Hopefully, by feeding myself and drinking quart after quart of water during the day, I'll be able to have more than one freaking beer tonight.

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