Wednesday, June 18, 2014

"They can't all be winners, kid." Failure on the Farm.

One of my favorite lines from one of my favorite movies: Santa to "Kid" in Bad Santa. It just fits in every scenario. I go into every hobby thinking I will be the best, a natural, and I fall way below my exacting standards and usually give up. Not this time. Things aren't exactly awesome on the homestead, but I'm far from giving up. Let's take a look.

Sara's Fails

Let's just get this out of the way here. We have what I believe is our first casualty of the year. Sorry, Violas. I thought you could take the heat. They were perfectly fine when I watered them last night. Now, they have the texture of cooked spaghetti and appear to have given up on life. I'll monitor them over the next couple days, but if they're not better by Saturday, a burial may be in order.

My poor artichoke plant has aphids. Bleargh. I thought it was just dirt (because I am an IDIOT) but the other day, I was all like, " artichokes don't look so goo...oh my God that dirt is moving." I've been looking up all natural solutions to this, but the end result might be the just trashing the plant. Not going to give up yet.

I didn't know cilantro was supposed to look like that! Because it's not. I don't use a ton of cilantro, so I don't care that much, and the flowers are kind of pretty, so, meh. Whatever. My parsley is doing well though. Harvested a whole bunch of it over the weekend, and it's bouncing back like a champ.

Eeeh. Separated tomatoes aren't doing so hot, either. I call the one on the left my Charlie Brown Christmas Tree. It hasn't grown, vertically or horizontally, at all, but there are new buds forming, so I haven't lost hope. Also, I've been obsessively checking the three wee tomatoes on the plant on the right for signs of rot, thinking that the plant is just giving up. Well, the tomatoes keep growing, even if the plant isn't. So, once again, wait and see. I might have to repot Charlie Brown.

This sprout needs to be repotted, forthwith. It is not pleased to be in that tiny little pot. It appears to be growing, somewhat, and I hope it's not too late. There are little buds on the stem which signal the appearance of Brussels sprouts at some point in the future. Also, it's being eaten by something. I really, really need to look into pesticide.

And...onto the (this far) successes!

My jalapeno has, like, six peppers on it, in varying stages of growth!!! Eeeee! In fact, my habaneros and bell peppers are doing OK as well. There still aren't any actual peppers on those, but there are lots and lots of buds. So, if anything, we'll always have peppers.

The sprouts that have suitable living conditions, despite being a little bitten up, seem to be doing quite well. So does my asparagus. The more I read, the more worried I get that I am not going to be able to eat it this year. The challenge, in this case, will be keeping the damn thing alive over the winter.

And here come my lovely herbs to make me feel like less of a failure! Look at that forest of dill! I hacked A TON of it off over the weekend, as well. Seriously, like I took away a third of that plant, and it's bounced back like crazy. I'm concerned about my basil, but other than that, my biggest problem with the herbs is that I don't have enough ways to use them (or the time to cook with them the way I'd like to).

Yay, at least some of my serranos are doing something. I still don't think I'll be able to harvest before Christmas, but I'm convinced I will get at least one pepper out of the pack of them.

Last year, my lavender was super depressed, so this makes me happy that it's growing like crazy. I think it and the marigolds (the ones that aren't in the death pot with the violas, anyway)get along quite well and are helping each other. And finally, my white whale...Tarragon!!!

It has FINALLY tripled in size from when I first got it! Hallelujah!!! I think I need to repot, though. Pretty soon it's going to outgrow its space, and we cannot have that!

I plan on having a super productive day on Saturday (no rain, got it????) repotting, and burying, and de-infesting, whatever the case may be. So, look forward to (if you care, which, seriously, I don't think anybody reads this, but isn't it a nice record of the growth??) more updates on Saturday!

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